Welcome to the first semester of US History. In semester one we will study the origins of our nation, including how the continent was settled by Native Americans and colonized by the Europeans. We also focus on the foundations of American democracy by looking at the American Revolution, the US Constitution, and the Civil War. We will trace the expansion of the nation from East to West, including the settlement of the west, large scale immigration and industrialization, and eventually the emergence of the US as a world power in the 20th century. The first semester units include the attempts by Progressive reformers to improve America's cities, the Roaring 20's and the Great Depression of the 1930's. 

Our US History class will be intergrated with Mrs. Forrest's American Literature class. You will be reading fiction in your American Literature class directly related to thie historical units and themes in our US History class.  We will use primary sources, lectures, discussions, projects, simulations, video, and our history text to learn about our nation’s history. In addition, we will make use of the Chromebook device in a variety of ways to enhance the study of US History. Each historical unit will last approximately four weeks. Students will receive regular quizzes on materials, as well as unit tests with both writing and mulitple choice questions.

Grading Categories for US History First Semester 

  • 40% Tests and Quizzes
  • 30% Classwork and Homework
  • 15% Final Exam
  • 15% Research Paper

Grading Scale

  • 90-100% = A
  • 80-89% = B
  • 70-79% = C
  • 60-69% = D
  • 59% and below = F

To be successful in the US History class please:

  • Arrive on time, and be in your seat when the bell rings.
  • Bring your notebook, Chromebook, pen or pencil each day.
  • Participate in class discussions by raising your hand.
  • Turn your cell phones and personal electronic devices off and put them away.
  • Be nice and work hard.

If you do not follow these simple rules I will:

  • Give you a warning.
  • Hold a detention.
  • Call your parents.
  • Send you to the office.

If you have an excused absence, you have as many days to make up missed work as days you missed class. If you need more help, just ask and I’ll be glad to find a time at lunch or after school to help you.

Our classroom website will be helpful in accessing US history slideshows presentations, handouts, and links to classroom activities.

I am looking forward to working with you this year.

Mr. Forrest

© Dave Forrest 2013