Family Tree created by Milt Silverman - 1984
In the early 1980’s, Milt Silverman prepared a family tree. In addition, he wrote several wonderful short biographical sketches of our ancestors. Below are two of the branches he sent to my family.
The first branch focuses on our Friedmans. He believed that Max Friedman’s original surname was Sacherwalski, before he changed the name to Friedman upon his arrival to the US. This has long been the story in our family, and whether it is true or not, Uncle Milt is the first to tell us the original family name.
The second branch is of our Reinsteins and Eisners. Be sure to read his short biographies, especially of our illustrious relative Jacob B. Reinstein, our adventurous great grandmother Lena Reinstein, and her sister, Mary, who raised sheep in Australia, among other capers with her husband, Charles Shainwald. Our Uncle Milt was a professional writer, and his portraits are a joy to read.
You can look at his work below by clicking on the following pdfs.
Reinstein-Eisner Biographies - D