Book By Its Cover

Below are books from the Grandkids’ Room for our older readers, 8-14. If you click on the cover, you can hear me read the book jacket and the first several pages of the story. 

Dear Readers, 

There is an important old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”  This means you shouldn’t decide if you like a person simply by their looks or outward appearances. Rather take the time to really get to know an individual by talking and spending time with them. That’s how you can decide what type of person they are and if you like them. 

It’s a good adage when it comes to books, too. Many book covers are colorful, designed to get you interested. However, if you really want to know if a book is good take time to open the cover, read the inside jacket and the first several pages. That way you can decide if you the story grabs you, if you like the plot, characters, and the author’s writing. 

That’s what I’ve done with some of my favorite stories for our older readers from the Grandkids’ Room. Click on a book cover you’re interested in above. I’ve read the inside of the book jacket and the first chapter or two for you. If you like the story and want to read more let me know. I’ll send you the book from our Grandkids' Room library. And if you have a book you love, I’ll add it to our Book By Its Cover collection. 

Happy reading,


© Dave Forrest 2020