Our entire family gathered at Samuel P. Taylor State Park for camping in the redwoods. The first day, Miko issued special camp shirts she designed and brought from England. We wore them with pride!

Cousins wasted no time wading in for creek fun Little ones tubed on the stream, while older campers swam at the nearby swimming holeJamie led gamesMiya braided hair. Kids did arts and crafts. The scooter brigade patrolled our loop.  

For five glorious days, three generations gathered for delicious meals organized by Nicole and Mamo. After dinner, Mamo serenaded us with original campfire songs and we roasted s’mores

During the week, we were visited by honored guests.   We also took field trips: campers to the nature museum , sisters to a local meadery and the O’Bergs for horseback riding.

A special thanks to all our talented photographers for these great shots. The first day of the trip I handed my old camera to Andrew. Enjoy the wonderful photos he handed back to me on the last day. 

And thank you all for a magical 2024 camping adventure. I got to celebrate 70 underneath the redwoods with all the people I love most in the world. 



© Dave Forrest 2024