The New Nowhere Man

The freeway overpass

 is my shelter from the rain.

The world just walks on by

 indifferent to my pain.

I’m the new nowhere man,

Eating out street trash cans,

Pushing all I own in a shopping cart,

Living in a world that’s lost its heart.

When the wind slices through my veins,

I curl up and sleep 

on the last seat of the city train. 

Passengers get on and off

And look at me in sad disgust

I’m the new nowhere man,

Eating out of street trash cans,

Pushing all I own in a shopping cart,

Living in a world that’s lost its heart.

Do you ever wonder who I was before?

Who I was once upon a time?

When I had a name, when I had a life

When I had something to call mine?

I’m the new nowhere man,

Eating out of street trash cans,

Pushing all I own in a shopping cart,

Living in a world that’s lost its heart.

 by Marilyn Forrest - ©  2020